Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Doctor

I don't know about you but I am not fond of doctors...I know God gave them the intelligence to learn so they could help when we are problem, I see way too much of them and nothing ever seems to help...

At least most doctors in todays society have came to the realization that Fibromyalgia is a REAL condition...
for many years, doctors just blew it off as "oh it is just in your head".....or "she is just crazy"
that would explain why so many have this misconception that people whom have this condition are large, lazy and just use this as an excuse to do NOTHING.....I am 5'7 and weigh 145 lbs is true...NO we are not crazy!!!    it is in our head...but not the way you think...

I recently found this out about myself...Fibromyalgia ...It causes Chronic Pain, Foggy head (I told my husband, if I were an alcoholic , I would be an expert at hiding it....I have lots of practice), your stomach is never right,  you are a human barometer, not to just feel like S*** most of the time....actually it is a condition where your brain is misfiring....GO FIGURE...that explains alot!!!!

I visited with a new doctor yesterday....I have to admit, I do like far as he is very thorough...and he seems genuinely concerned about my well being..
.HOWEVER, I do not like what he is about to do to me....I have accepted the fact that it must be done...if I am ever going to know for sure what this "yet another problem" is.

Then there is the healing process....It is funny, they tend to make you very sick, before you actually start to get better...Like my last visit to the hospital....I was 100% SICKER when I left the hospital, than when I entered!!!..

Well we will have to see how this one goes....More to come....

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